We Are All Creatives

I can't tell you how many times I've heard people say, "I'm not creative." If you are one of those people then what I'm about to say next is for you! Creativity is not something you either have or you don't have; it's something you invest in, cultivate, and grow. 

So many of us have placed "creatives" in the class of photographers, writers, videographers, graphic artists, painters, etc. Instead we are forgetting what creativity really is—the use of imagination. Albert Einstein said it best, "Creativity is intelligence having fun." 

Being a creative is using your mind. It's solving problems, having fun, and thinking outside the box. Accountants do this, statistical analysts do this, teachers do this, and even YOU do this. 

But what is it that makes people think they aren't creative? Many times it's comparison or focusing on the lack of something. I've heard people look at a piece of art or creation and say something along the lines that they could never do that—implying that they don't have the skills to take the photograph, paint that picture, or develop that idea. And they're right. Not all of us are given the gifts of drawing, singing, or entrepreneurship, but we are all given gifts. 

For Romans 12:6 says, "Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..." 

I mean, hello?! We were ALL given gifts. We were given specific spiritual gifts like preaching, teaching, administration, evangelism, and so on. But we were also given talents like writing, debating, speaking, drawing, painting, organizing, leading, etc. But if we fail to realize that our talents are worthy of creativity then we are foolish. Our job is to develop creativity in our field and use it to glorify God. 

So here's my challenge to you all: Find a way to develop your field (accounting, leadership, singing, photography, etc) and work on it EVERY SINGLE DAY.

And because I don't like to challenge people without first following suit, I've been doing this challenge myself. Everyday this year I am going to take a photo. I've already completed 33 photos and have seen myself stretch in ways I would not have expected. You can read about my photography challenge below.

So join me in stretching yourself creatively. And if you are someone who has never put yourself in the category of creatives, start doing it. Begin to train your mind in thinking outside the box. Look for ways to attend workshops on the brain and creative practices. Start treating yourself like a creative and see if you find that you natural God-given creative juices begin flowing like never before. Because friend, I'm praying for you. And I'm praying BIG and BOLD things that God will work in a mighty way in your life through your natural gifts and talents that he has blessed you with.