While I tried to write this post several days ago I had one of those "encounters" with technology...ya know, the one where it won? Ugh. Needless to say after spending an hour trying to upload photos from my February Photo Day Challenge it quit on me and I lost it all. After sulking for a few days I've decided to try again, but sadly this time I won't be posting everything photo. Just a few of my favorites.
And if you want to follow along be sure to check me out on instagram.com/jessicaleegardner. This month I'm posting photos I've taken in the past that follow along with the prompts from #thebethadillychallenge.
So here's a look at February!
{034|365} S T A R T S W I T H P.
Pretty Pink Sky.
{036|365} O L D S C H O O L
A globe older than me. I love looking at how the country names have changed over the years. South Rhodesia anyone?
{040|365} W R I T I N G
There's a lot of writing I need to do, but first, coffee.
{044|365} L O V E
Tonight's #ootd for Valentine's Day Weekend kickoff!
{046|365} M A C R O
It's about as macro as I can get with my lenses. Doesn't this cotton remind you of Spring? Kind of crazy that we have 70 degree weather today and chance of snow tomorrow. That's life in Texas for ya!
Surprisingly this was my popular photo of February.